I’m Taking On A 3-day Fasting Challenge

I’ve decided to take on 3-day fasting challenge, and I’m excited to share this experience with all of you. I’ll be sharing my thoughts, and giving you an honest account of what it’s like to go without food for three days.

Fasting, for many people, is a scary concept. I’ve had friends and family members who think I’m crazy for even attempting this. But the truth is, fasting has been around for centuries, and many cultures have used it to detox, refocus, and even heal my body. And that’s what I want to do.

One of the biggest misconceptions about fasting is that it’s just about starving yourself, but that’s not the case. When you fast, your body is put into a state of autophagy, where it starts to break down and recycle old cells.

That’s what I want to do. I want to go through the stages of autophagy, growth hormone increase and improving insulin sensitivity. And to be honest I would like to get into immune cell regeneration but that takes place after the 72 hour mark. And I’m not ready do that. In any case fasting can be incredibly beneficial for your overall health. And I want those benefits so here I am planning a 72 hour fast.

Just to be clear I am hoping to complete a 72 hour fast for the physical and mental benefits. When you fast, you’re giving your digestive system a break, which can help to reduce inflammation, improve digestion, and even give your skin a glow. But let’s be real, fasting is hard. It takes discipline, self-control, and a willingness to push through some uncomfortable feelings that come with feeling hungry and having cravings.

One of the biggest challenges I have faced when it comes to fasting is the mental aspect. It’s not just about the physical hunger, but the emotional attachment we have to food. We use food to celebrate, to comfort ourselves, and to socialize. So, when you take that away, it can be tough. But I believe that’s where the real growth happens. When you’re forced to confront your emotions and your relationship with food, you can start to make real changes in your life.

I am not new to the 3 day fast I’ve done it before. I know the benefits, and the risks. I read about other people’s experiences, and I know a few tips on how to make it easier. One thing that I find helpful is planning out my schedule and making sure I don’t have any social activities. If a fast is going to be successful, you need to know that you aren’t going to be surrounded by good food and friendly people; because that’s just every excuse to eat. And you must make sure to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water and occasionally a bit of salt water for the electrolytes.

I found that drinking black coffee does help reduce hunger, but it also dehydrates you. I will also be taking it easy on myself and not pushing myself too hard physically. I know that my body will be going through a lot, so I want to make sure I will be giving it the rest it needs. Well, that’s it for now the first day of my fast will be Sunday February 16. I have a few days to get ready. Please join me if you’re up to it. There is support in numbers.

Thanks for joining me on this journey. If you’ve tried fasting before, I’d love to hear about your experience in the comments below. 👇🏽

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